
On The Run



8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Trick 2019
08-01-2018, 11:09 PM (This post was last modified: 08-01-2018, 11:39 PM by Riva.)

The world moved beneath the tireless pace of the healer, the easy lope was thoughtless to maintain, pushing forward until she felt every muscle was stretched and used, and felt the warm burn tingle through her legs. She loved to run as much as she loved to travel and explore. Wondering was in her DNA - or at least she assumed as much. She didn’t know her parents, and could never guess if her lifestyle paralleled their own. Regardless, wondering was her life of choice, and after remaining in one spot for the most of winter she was keen to get back out there.

She would return, she had promised Dragon she would stick around a while, and always made good on her promises, but in the meanwhile, she would take this opportunity to chase off a little steam, and let loose her wondering paws. As the daylight begin to fade, and lengthening shadows danced across the landscape, she let her pace begin to slow. She caught the scent of fresh water, and angled her path in the right direction. As her jog became a walk, and her breathing evened out, she would see Firefly lake stretch out before her. She brushed past the lengthening reeds of growth, giving them a cursory sniff as she passed them, before her attention caught on the russet-brown wolf with the cautiously tilted ears, signaling she had heard the healer approach. She gave the stranger some room as she moved towards the water, taking a step into the liquid, and feeling it spread a wave of cool across the fur of her paw. She dipped her ebony head and took a few cautious sips, knowing better then to full her belly after a long run.

With that complete, she took a step back, shaking droplets free of her pad as she took a seat against the grass, just as the first fireflies began to take flight on the far side of the lake, casting a glow of flames across the water with their flickering, warm light.
