
Four out of Five



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
08-02-2018, 12:19 AM

"Thank you Dragon," He dipped his head to her, his smile never faltering. He didn't think he needed to be thanked for anything, he was just doing what came naturally to him. But he kept that thought to himself. "I'm staying over in the pines not far from here. It's pretty quiet, usually. And there's plenty of den space, so you'll be able to find one you like if you want." Of course, she wasn't obligated to stay there, either. She was a loner, as was he. But he stayed there when he wasn't off trying to find the remnants of his family. It would be nice to try and get everyone together again, and that was another goal of his. "Oh, just so you're aware... there are a few new faces you'll see as well. Another healer by the name of Riva is sticking around. She's made it her personal mission to...well, I guess the simplest way to put it is I'm under observation." He shrugged and chuckled a bit as he remembered the first encounter with the yearling, "Something about my eyes being an enigma,"

He got up and shook off any snow and debris that clung to his fur, then turned in the direction of the pines. "And uh...Greed also brought someone with him. Her name is Acapella, she's blind too. And then there's..." His voice faltered, unsure of how to really bring it up. His jaws remained open for a moment before he shut them. My kids. He wanted to say. But he was still trying to process that fact himself. "Ah...I guess you'll see whenever we get there."

Walk, "Talk" Think "Kimahri" Shiva

Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.