
Sugar plums and faerie dust



2 Years
08-02-2018, 09:39 AM (This post was last modified: 08-02-2018, 09:39 AM by Verena.)


She got off on the fear in his eyes. The smell that seeped from his pores was more of an addiction of hers, and he was satisfying her needs. The more  he struggled the more weight she bore down onto him. And when his body finally went limp, she craved more. Like an addict instantly cut off from its supplier.

A whimper, tiny and pathetic left the kids lips, and his mouth would open as if he were going to respond to my first question.. yet no words spewed from his tiny little maw. Eyes would anger, anger and agitation switftly rolling in.

Vats the matter keed? Cat got your tongue?

A chuckle danced from her lips, not a friendly sound at all. Hackles remained risen to trail down the length of her spine. Did he taste as sweet as he smelled? Would anyone come to his aid if she begun to rip the flesh from his puny little body? Would they even hear his screams? If mama and papa were around, surely they would have come to his rescue by now. Was he diseased and rejected? And then.. the thought hit her. He was a cat.. a Cheetah to be exact. They were lethal creatures, and ran with an unimaginable amount of speed. Perhaps.... this encounter could benefit her, the possibilities endless. His stuttering words, brought her back to reality. And a single brow would inch upwards, fighting the urge to mock his sad request. With one final shove, she pressed him harder into the ground, before releasing her grip and taking a step back.

You are cat. You should not be scared of volf. Pathetic it is that you smell so much of fear. Get up. Vat ees your name.

It wasn't a request, it was a demand. Her eyes narrowed and watching his light colored body closely. If he were to run, it would be a mistake on his behalf, she was ready to lurch after him. Although next time she may not be as friendly. His sent was embedded in her mind, and even if he had managed to escape.. she would track him down.  

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Image by Vhitany