
Muscle to muscle, toe to toe


07-08-2013, 08:54 AM

She paused. As many did when confronted with a stranger. He mentally prepared himself for a cold, icy stare, as he suspected he may have thrown her off her trail, however, instead, he was greeted with a settle purple gaze. And to think he used to be ashamed of his crimson eyes, an eyebrow arches trying to pinpoint where he?d seen this color before, the stranger?s where the first of this tone of color he?d seen in his entire life. Amethyst. That was the jewel her eyes had reminded him of, if he had recalled correctly. It was mysterious but all the more appealing, he briefly wondered which of her parents had passed down the gene, and if she was teased for having such a strange color, or swooned over. The dame didn?t seem that annoyed by his sudden appearance, minus the flick in one of her ears, he had cared enough to spot, she hadn?t shown her fangs, or growled at him as he expected to do. Maybe, she was in need of some assistance, he hoped that he could truly bring something to the table, it wouldn?t be the first time he?d ruined things with his reckless demeanor, and it certainly wouldn?t be the last.

"A wolf?" He repeats, taken off-guard by her purpose for being out here. Taking his eyes off over her for just a moment to survey the ruins surrounding them at every corner, twitching his ears for any sounds, or any other indicators that there was third wolf wondering here, however, it remained quite, the only smell he had picked up was hers. Eyes knitting with confusion, he returned his gaze to her, huh, maybe she knew something he didn?t? It was only his guess that she knew this place more better than he did.It was then that she told him that if he wished to continue talking to her, that he would have to walk with her, normally, he would grunt at the obvious seriousness in her tone, but, he endured it for now, since, she seemed determined of finding this wolf. Crimzen stiffens as she approaches him, half-expecting for the violent-eyed woman to snap at him, however, it looked as if she had much bigger things to worry about. "Alright.?
The male replies, announcing that he had heard her, and indeed would be following, he was all too interested and what she was like, and just who was she looking for. Pressing off, in joining the pursuit, the rogue beast came up beside her, slowing down his pace to match the sniffing damsel, his head tilting a little ways to the side bloody-eyes never unwavering, until, he pulled his eyes away form her trail to focus on ahead. ?So, uh..what does she or he, look like?? Crimzen inquires breaking the silence, he?d offer to help so, he would as he said, though, he?d never been the quiet type growing up. ?Maybe I?ve seen em?.?

He offers, gems glancing towards her way, shedding some light on their search. Although, that would mostly not be the case, he?d only just arrived, and so, would have lots of other wolves, places to see. Of course, he wasn?t going to let her know that, he figured she would have no use for him then, besides, he wanted to see if he could make a new friend, she appeared to be a interesting character, even if she was quite.
