
Let's Chit-Chat



3 Years
08-03-2018, 01:38 PM

Ember eyes glances about the tall pines, hoping something would at least pop up and show him some entertainment, but the forest was as silent as ever. The only noise being heard was that of his own heart beating in his ears and the deep breaths that caused a cloud of fog to form every time he exhaled. Nothing. No surprise there. With a huff the golden male turned on his heels and started off in the other direction, until the great idiot lifted his crown and saw the most interesting sight. "What the..." Before Landon stood three creatures, each more wild in appearance than the last, making the sight of all three together a rather impossible sight. At first, his green orbs honed in on the wolf; the male look rather rugged with his torn ear and, more importantly, battered scars that played tic-tac-toe across his face. The stories this wolf must have would bless any warrior's ear, and Landon was beyond interested in hearing each and every single one of them. That's what made him take his first step towards them.

One of the creatures to the side of the wolf, appeared to be a feline of some sort, though Landon couldn't very well be sure as it didn't look like any average cat to him. But then again, no average cat hung around with wolves on the daily basis, so something told him this was going to be an interesting conversation as well. That drove Landon to take another step forward. The other feline was even more bizarre, appearing once again like some kind of jaguar mutt with the strangest twist, like two cats pieced together into one body. What ever kind of mutation led up to that cat's genetics was something equivalent to a piece of art, and it caused Landon to take yet another, curious step forward. Despite the silence of the forest surrounding them, he wasn't able to clearly make out what the ground was talking about, but he gathered it had something to do with him, as they all stared at him like he was the odd ball out.

Finally, the golden prince decided it was time for him to make his grand entrance and introduce himself. "Well howdy there folks!" He called out as he made a slow approach. "Hey pal, are these two kitty cats giving you some trouble?" He appeared to be all grins and jokes, but in reality Landon was quite serious in being concerned for the lone wolf trapped by two large predators. While it had been quite some time since he last tried anything heroic, more like years now, Landon was still young and yet to earn his stripes! Obviously he never intended to be tackling a couple of over sized bobcats today, but hey! He did want entertainment, and lucky for him, it appears as if the circus was in town.
