
To Learn What We Fear Is To Learn Who We Are



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
08-03-2018, 02:41 PM
Malleus had just finished his patrol and was on his way back to the creek where he knew both shade and water could be found. The summer days, he'd decided, were too long for his liking. The sun rose too early and stayed too late all the while roasting the land below. It was simply too much. He'd kill for a storm. One teeny little rain cloud to briefly block out the sun and bring them respite from the heat. But today, just like every other day, was cloudless.

Resigned to the fact that today would be no different, Malleus clamored down into the dry creek bed and began to make his way down it. The dirt underfoot was packed hard and cracked, but up ahead he knew there was a place where it was still soft and pliable, which meant water lurked below the surface. With a little digging he'd find himself a drink.

He paused as another came into view. Immediately he recognized the girl and, after realizing it had been awhile since he talked to her, Malleus decided to join her.

"I see we had the same idea," he said with a chuckle, noting the water at her paws. Lucky girl; it looked like she hadn't had to dig for it. He'd have to make note of this spot. "How's life been treating you, Proserpina?"

Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.