
Burnin' For You

Bronze i


12 Years
07-08-2013, 09:22 AM (This post was last modified: 07-08-2013, 09:23 AM by Bronze i.)

Ecstasy did not even give justice to the kind of pleasure Bronze felt as two bodies became one. He felt as though he was merely two years old again, mating with his true love for the first time. Seconds turned into minutes, but he quickly lost track of time, consumed fully by the woman beneath him.

But it wasn't terribly long before he released his hold on her, his muscles tensing as he stepped to solid ground. Briefly he noted that it was now night -- overhead the stars sparkled brilliantly, and he couldn't help but grin as she kissed him. "I am so sorry I ever left you," he nearly whimpered, nuzzling close to her. He knew that he would never stop feeling guilty, no matter how many times he apologized to her, but he couldn't help it. But his expression was entirely void of sadness. How could he linger on such thoughts for so long?

"I am glad you waited," he said, his voice brutally honest. Slowly he would lower himself onto his belly, feeling rather tired. He was not only fully satiated, but he didn't quite have the stamina he used to. He could only hope she was as satisfied. "I wonder if we are able to have children, Silent," he wondered softly. He was not getting his hopes up, but maybe -- just maybe -- something was possible. Gently he nudged her, lapping at her cheek.