



6 Years
Extra large

08-04-2018, 12:02 PM

It felt good today, as it was late afternoon yet the air in the upper peaks of the Maw was still cold enough to provide comfort. Elias was sprawled out along the stone floor of the citadel when the howl from a stranger rang in his mountains. It seemed close, closer than the howls usually were- most seemed to wait for him at Mount Volkan. Some part of him was thankful for this stranger being closer, he wouldn't have to wander away from home as far.

He wasn't sure where his children were at the moment, though he knew they were on territory and enjoying their time to themselves after their training (at least, he hoped). With their safety a mild concern in his mind, he hastily moved at a running jog to answer the howl before any of them were able to arrive before him. Then, at least, if they did arrive- he could protect them.

Once the stranger came into view, Elias couldn't help but feel a bit uneasy. The familiarity between this man and himself was painfully obvious, and his age was about the same as the others. With so many of his children finding him since the rise of Ruina, the possibility of this being another one was a question in the alpha's mind as soon as he saw him.

Elias' intense stare never strayed away from Tyranis even though his approach slowed down, his breath making faint clouds in the mountain air as his lungs rapidly began to attempt to read what scents this man carried. Once he was close enough to smell him, Elias stopped- about six feet away. The scent told him that this was indeed one of his sons and that he was a Wreckage.

Elias' lips curved just ever so slightly as he began to realize who was standing in front of him. This was the fabled son of his he had heard so much about. The one that started his own pack. The one Ace said reminded him so much of Elias himself. Elias lifted his head a bit taller as pride struck him once again.

"I have been waiting for this day. I have already heard so much about you, Tyranis Wreckage. Welcome to Ruina." His words rolled off his tongue with the weight of a slight Latin accent. It wasn't something that occurred often, though on rare occasions when he was feeling particularly nostalgic and closer to his roots.. it was impossible to stop. For a moment, his eyes wandered around the two of them as Elias checked every shadow, checking for movement for two reasons. One, did Ty have any friends? And two, were the demons watching this important happenstance? A light gust of wind sent a shiver up his spine that made his eyes snap back to Tyranis in an instant, and somehow he knew... yes, they were here.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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