
On The Run



8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Trick 2019
08-04-2018, 06:57 PM

She finished detailing what she knew of the packs of Boreas, and all she had discovered of them, in her quiet winter walks. The whispering-flicker of fireflies behind her cast an ambient noise into the sudden silence as her voice ceased. Before her, Antigone rocked back, relaxing as she appraised the healer, and one further word dropped from her lips. For a moment, Riva was certain this was all she would get. If one thing their brief encounter had taught her, it was how few where the words of Antigone, but how much she seemed to say with those few. After all. She had gotten quite a description of this land from Riva with only twenty words, and two of encouragement to keep her going.

Riva hid another smile at the thought, and was pleasantly surprised when Antigone continued. “Thank you” Riva said simply at the compliment. The Fawny wolf would the continue to express her surprise, and question how she had learnt so much, so quickly. “I am a healer, I was trained to take that seriously. I have sought herbs all across the continent, and I have searched for wolves that needed my aid.” She suspected, in fact, that the healer who raised her had known who her mother was. She had never given anything away to prove this theory, but sometimes… when the old healer had looked at her, and this look of frustration and need had passed over her, those were the times when she had pushed Riva the most. It made words like ‘atonement’ pop into her mind, and a little flutter of hurt had always put pressure against her heart when she wondered just what kind of woman her mother had been, to bring out the harsher side of a healer.

Not that it mattered to Riva, she had no mother, no father, and no family. Her life was her healing, her mentor has seen to that. She was content with her lot in life, and the wandering life it boosted had suited her well. She bit down on any sadness before it could flash across her features. If there was a tightening in her eyes, it could be accounted for the change in light as a firefly fluttered near by, casting the blue of her eyes in a sudden, and yellow glow. “That's why I have traversed as much ground as I have, and why I take great care to understand what the scents of the land are telling me. I’m just glad you might find some use now in what I’ve gathered.”
