
Fastened with String and Bubblegum



10 Years
08-04-2018, 09:18 PM (This post was last modified: 08-04-2018, 09:19 PM by Ara.)
What an interesting family this Abraxas was proving to be. Ara wasn't one to dwell on the politics of these lands too much; she cared little who possessed power, or who tried to take more than their fair share. Although she wasn't a fan of fighting in general, she took a more liberal approach to how she regarded others.. she'd never met a wolf she'd outright disliked. Everyone had their own story, and she could recognize that. She wondered briefly what sort of family this man might belong to... though judging by Malleus' description of his family, she had a fairly decent idea. A battle-friendly sort of family, who tended to act before thinking. Ara smiled, amused at his description. It was certainly different from her own family. Though her father had been a fighter in his younger years, her parents - as well as the siblings that she had met - had been more introspective and slow to react.

Either way, even in her advanced age, she appreciated meeting wolves of different upbringings and cultures. Her smile brightened a bit, amusement dancing in her bright blue eyes. "That does seem to describe the other Abraxas I've met quite well," she teased lightly. "That fellow had enjoyed a run-in with a stampede. I'm surprised he only had the minor injuries he did."

Only briefly would she dwell on the family member of his that she'd met before her attention shifted back to healing. "You're lucky to have found it, for sure," she stressed with a nod. "If I were you, I'd guard it carefully. I'm not sure where you plan to plant it, but I'm told deer love snacking on it." Her gaze was still light, obviously thrilled by the company and the brief talk of herbs, no matter how short-lived it might end up being.