
Muscle to muscle, toe to toe



11 Years
Athena I
07-08-2013, 09:49 AM

Alena had never had the patience for talkative wolves or pups. She just didn't see the point in entertaining such things. She had things to do and places to see, there was no time to spend chattering away. It made her naturally very quiet, preferring instead to watch the world around her and make her own conclusions instead of asking questions. This young wolf seemed to be the opposite of that. But, he seemed to have good intentions with his questions and he seemed to truly want to help, so she decided she would give him the time of day for now. Maybe he could be of some kind of help. Her amethyst-hued gaze glanced to the inquisitive brute trotting along beside her, violet meeting blood-red, before turning her eyes back to her trail. Now that she was back on the scent, she let herself go on autopilot so she could answer his questions. The scent was strong enough that she didn't have to work too hard to keep up with it.

"I've never seen him in person, actually. From what I've been told, he's a fairly large brute with gray eyes. Black fur." She gave a little shrug and glanced at him again. "Not a whole lot to go on, but I do have his scent and that has to be something. Can't fake a scent. You can mask it, certainly, and some scents can be similar if they're in a pack, but a scent is unique to each wolf none of the less." Alena got the sense that this wolf was similar to her in the thirst for knowledge that they shared. When she was his age she had wanted to learn all she could about the world. Of course, she was also starting to hone her craft at that point as well. The pale fea was also slightly intrigued by the crimson color of his eyes, having only met one or two wolves with red-hued eyes and never one with a deep of a color as his. This was purely a side thought, however. Her mind was still on the task at hand. As a second thought, she told her newest companion, My name is Alena, by the way. Nice to meet you.
