
In these desprate times


07-08-2013, 10:33 AM

Awaken listened intently. He seemed to hang off every word Gargoyle said. His mind filled with thoughts. I want to ask her... I need to ask her. his green eyes sparkled with the idea of her. He'd never been THIS captivated by one wolf, he'd had petty crushes every now and then but none that lasted for months on end were all he could think about was her!?

Awaken's heart sank about the trusting him. He didn't even trust himself. The number one fear in his lifetime was hurting Merci. He feared it every day, had nightmares about it. "Thats the problem. What if i can't trust myself. I've seen the monster I used to be. I gored people for the fun of it, impailed my own brother, and tore my own father's head right off his body! I somehow defeated a tiger and killed thousands. I don't want to be that again and I can slowly feel myself slipping back. By this time he was shaking from the sheer agony of even thinking about it. The visions of what he'd done. Who he'd killed. He remembered murdering a very young girl because she didn't look him in the eyes when he spoke. The horrified look in her eyes as he beheaded her.?

He gave a sigh, calming down alittle bit. His quivering ceased. "Just make me a promise. If I ever become that way again. I want you to kill me... I know it's alot but I never want to be the way I was again. ?