
Won't you fly high, free bird, yeah



6 Years
Dire wolf
08-07-2018, 01:33 PM
The beast moved aimlessly over the lands of Northen Boreas through an area of sparse foliage. They were a massive creature, their body scarred but their fiery eyes proud. They bore a coat of unnatural coloration, a bright red as fierce as their spirit… though perhaps that was a good thing. Melanthios wasn’t a cruel wolf by any means, but they were, however, one who would speak their mind and heart freely. The beast was one who lived as a free spirit so to speak, one that preferred to know the taste of battle but also a touch of gentleness as well. They were certainly not your average sort of giant.

Their gaze lit up as they took in the scene around them. Greenery was beginning to flourish fully in the later part of spring… and they found this particular part of the North refreshing. Perhaps, they thought, they might linger in the Northern part of these lands for a while. They seemed large enough that the beast shouldn’t get too bored with staying in such lands… right? Though they knew they’d also need to be mindful of claimed territories… large as Mela was they were not looking to get in that sort of trouble.

A soft hum escaped the beast’s throat as Melanthios moved under one of the trees. The lands here were a bit muddy but they didn’t mind. They were a stranger to these lands and that left much to explore… and a companion to find. Heck, they thought to themselves, they might even find someone from the Kedieo Empire here. Though finding their kin wasn’t exactly somthing at the top of Melanthios’ list. But they’d come across others eventually… There was no need to rush such encounters.

Melanthios finally settled down at the base of the tree, closing their red-orange gaze. A nap seemed to be in order… unless something more interesting happened along.