



6 Years
Extra large

08-08-2018, 03:23 PM (This post was last modified: 08-08-2018, 03:25 PM by Elias.)

The neutral tone of Ty's voice, distant and expressionless, struck him all too familiar. The way his face remained smooth yet his eyes became animated as he spoke... it made it impossible for the man to shake the goosebumps from his skin that had risen with that spiritful gust. He stood there with his hackles slightly raised, not out of anger but of awe, and watched as Tyranis spoke boldly and with an incredible sense of declaration.

Elias couldn't help but lift his chin slightly as Tyranis continued, his ears incredibly tuned to those powerful words. He knew Tyranis had fled his pack and family before, perhaps his words were true. Perhaps this was a man suffering from the same lost feeling Elias held on to all of his life until he started Ruina again and answered his calling. Rubies disappeared beneath a reflection of light for a moment as his features softened and he lowered his head once again now that his son was finished speaking. Elias took everything in carefully, the tall ears of his crown remaining directed at Tyranis to catch any other words while he did so.

"Your ancestors are watching you in this moment, and they are proud of what they see." He smirked slightly, the warm feeling of what Elias believed to be the presence of his deceased father coming to him all over again. The way a son felt around their father was something unexplainable. Safe. Proud. Elias was hit with the nostalgia as he embraced the belief that his own father was here for certain and giving him this feeling, and he only hoped that he could provide the very same thing to Tyranis one day when Elias' passed on. Somehow, it reminded the restless king that he was never truly alone.. and the balance that Ruina was bringing was something timeless. He pulled himself out of his head with a sigh and the tension from his shoulders and his stance could visibly be seen fading as he took a step to the right, presenting his side for Tyranis to walk beside on their way back up to the mountain.

"You do me a great honor as well, with these words you have brought me so much pride. My name is Elias Praetor, I am the Apollyon here in Ruina and it is my duty to show you and all other new souls what it means to be tied to the blood of the Apollyon. I will teach you about the demons that are tied into our bloodline and the empowerment we offer each other through the balance we bring by the strength of the pack. I want this to be your place, though I must tell you.. son. There is a lot of commitment involved with remaining on these lands, as once you are oathed in you may never leave. Take your time and choose whether or not you will oath yourself wisely, study as a Purgatorian until you are ready for your Rites... or not, if that is what you decide. You have a lot to learn and a long journey ahead of you, but these are your wolves, your land, your blood. You will always be welcome here."

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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