
Amen, praise the lord, etc.



4 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
08-09-2018, 02:50 PM
The large man went on some vulgar spill about his son and god farts. It was crude enough to cause Archon's nose to twitch a bit.

"I assure you none of the Abraxas were... farted out of anyone's ass," Archon said as flatly as he could. He tried to figure that, perhaps in the man's old age, his mind was possibly deteriorating, causing him to act out like an adolescent pup out of his pack for the first time.

"As for your question, we are like most of you mortals since we are in the same flesh, although we are somewhat more capable in almost every way. We have a unique understanding of the world where we understand our purpose as a whole. Even if one of us fails, it is designed so that many more will fill his place."

Archon spoke smoothly. These words had been running around in his head since he was a pup. He didn't expect someone like this male to understand.

"As it stands, we have taken control of three mortal packs, not just Abaven. Although this one is somewhat of a peaceful takeover, the previous packs were taken by force. As I understand, this is the first time for a singular entity to control this many packs."

Archon was definitely bragging a little, but it was still quite modest compared to most of his family.

"So then, what is it like to be a mortal?"

Archon thought about tacking on, "who is nearly at the end of his meaningless existence," but decided to keep the interaction cordial. Although he wasn't impressed by this man's crass demeanor, he wasn't being outwardly violent and Archon had no reason to provoke him.