
where my dogs at



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
08-09-2018, 07:54 PM
The respectful dip of her head didn't go unnoticed. Malleus appreciated the gesture and it brought his forming opinion of the woman up a notch. He wasn't the sort to be flattered easily, but the idea of superiority had been drummed into him since birth and her acknowledgement of his status was affirming.

"In time I..." His gaze darted beyond Antigone as he became aware of movement off to her left. It was only a flicker, the briefest of flashes behind a fallen tree, but it was enough to catch his eye. He scrutinized the place he'd seen it before returning his attention to Antigone and continuing, "I'm sure it will come to you."

There was another brief flash of something and this time Malleus listened to instinct. Through the leaves he saw bits of orange. They were disjointed and broken up by shadow, but there was something there. His hackles started to rise as he noted an unusual patch of yellow, white and black. It almost looked like...

His eyes widened as he realized he was staring at an eye. The orange, the black, it made sense in an instant. "Look out!" he cried, his ears flattening and his lips peeling back in a snarl as a young tiger exploded out of the tangled branches of the downed tree. Its sights were set on Antigone; the smaller wolf perhaps a manageable meal in its eyes.

Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.