



6 Years
Extra large

08-09-2018, 10:08 PM (This post was last modified: 08-09-2018, 10:23 PM by Elias.)

It was a bit more difficult for Elias to quiet down his inner thoughts than he initially expected, the chilling presence of his ancestors in the air around them still something he could feel. He found himself asking them all the questions he wanted to throw at Tyranis instead of fully listening to the words his son was offering, but he did his best to focus. His eyes narrowed just a bit as he willed himself to come out of his thoughts. It was hard, hard because being torn between possibly protecting himself and going with his skepticisms was his nature.. and that was not his intentions right now at all. It wouldn't be the first time in his life, but it was the first time in his life he was feeling that something was wrong this early on when meeting someone and not just avoiding them entirely.

He tried his best to focus, his thoughts straying back to the image of Sparrow as Tyranis spoke when Elias had met her a season ago. She had come to visit the new pack in the mountains to let her presence known, Elias wasn't sure what to think of her. He had no positive nor negative memories to go off of, just a mutual understanding of being neighbors of one another. He understood why his son was upset with them and why he felt like he had no place there, no place with his birth family. He could see himself in Ty, it was not hard for Elias to imagine how he would have felt if expected to grow up among healers. Tyranis had incredible potential, a strength that was obvious both in mind and body.. it would be like telling a wolf to be happy living among sheep.

This was helping Elias calm down, to put aside his insecurities about this situation. He was relating with Tyranis and it left him incredibly curious to know more, to find out about his son's past, what led up to this point and what he aspired to do next. Who was he? It wasn't hard to understand. Elias was already in love with his son.

"I am thankful that they did not crown you as you deserved, Tyranis. They have no idea what strength they have lost. Bloodlines are important, I can understand that. I am happy they did not choose to surrender their own. If they had, your ties would be to their people and not your own. Your fate is not with them, Tyranis. I understand what you are telling me, and your fate is here with your own blood. The blood of the Apollyon, the first wolf." He smirked. Yeah, that was something he couldn't help but be a bit smug and proud of.

He was pulled out of his tension even more when Tyranis admitted he had a surprise in store, his grandchild. Of course, afterall.. the other one was already here. Elias found himself a bit lost in the coloration of the boy's eyes. So many of his children were showing this trait.. their eyes a mix of different souls. This one was ancient and natural, deeply connected with the world around him. He looked over to Tyranis and smiled. His were pure nature spirits, which seemed incredibly fitting considering his ambitious attitude. Those eyes told a need to claim.

"Hello, Rain. Welcome. How does it feel to no longer be lost?" Memories of chasing down Viper and bringing her back home flashed in his brain, reminding him of the little lamb they were sure to discover. He looked to Tyranis with a rather.. uncertain expression.

"I found your daughter, as well. She does not believe that I am her grandfather and claims to have no recollection of you, she also refuses to be anything other than wild," there was a bit of a hint of frustration in his voice. Viper had proven to be more than a handful so far.

"She was young when I found her and I didn't want to leave her to live on her own. I brought her here by force, earning her the title of Lamb- a slave. She is not happy about it, but at least she is alive. I was close to giving up, though now maybe your presence will mean something to her." Elias was incredibly curious how they would react to that knowledge, all other thoughts subsiding for now until he could read their reaction.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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