
something to believe in



7 Years
08-12-2018, 05:19 PM

Even after spending as much time here as he had, Typhon wasn't fully used to this place. The terrain, as well as being surrounded by so many other wolves, was taking longer than he expected to grow accustomed to. After spending so long on his own, he wasn't necessarily the most social of wolves, and it was hard to pretend otherwise when those wolves were his family - when he was so afraid of letting his facade slip and appearing weak and lesser. His brow furrowed as he regained his composure, letting his body weight lean against the boulder he'd found. He was so lost inside his own mind that he seemed quite taken aback when he heard the approach of another, and his hackles raised instinctively.

His head snapped up, eyes locking on Zinnia as it took him a moment to register who she was. She carried a fresh kill in her mouth, and her posture was friendly as she loped toward him. His pale blue gaze was unblinking as he watched the smaller female move to greet him. He felt his stomach rumble in appreciation, even before he realized that she meant to offer him the kill.  "Morning, Zinnia," he responded, his tone slightly confounded. He wondered if she had meant to find him, or if had merely been a coincidence that he'd been caught in her path. He nodded curtly to her question. It he hadn't been hungry before, he certainly was now.

"I suppose I'm a bit hungry," Typhon offered tentatively, after a brief pause. He was the type to think carefully before speaking, acutely aware of how his words might sound to others. Seeming too eager about the prospect of an easy meal might make Zinnia view him as weak, or less capable. However.. he had no intentions of seeming ungrateful, especially to a packmate, and he offered a faint smile in return. "Thank you." Slowly he steadied himself, bringing himself properly upright again to close the distance between them and sniff at the meal she'd caught. His stomach grumbled in appreciation as he gladly tore a piece of meat off the creature, gulping it down. "Must be settling in to these parts quite well, then?" After a few small bites he glanced up at her, asking a conversational question.
© argent 2017