
Weeds and Wildflowers



4 Years
08-13-2018, 02:50 PM (This post was last modified: 08-21-2018, 01:03 AM by Tyranis.)

Crafting an item not related to any other skill: leather collar |Round|1|2|3|4|

He had lost himself in thought as he worked, cutting the thick leather he had cured with his blade into a long strip. For now the leather was pale and vaguely cream colored but with the help of the sun and the heated stone pools at the base of the mountain he would be able to dye it a thick burgundy. He had learned this skill abroad in the land heh ad traveled to with his son. Their culture greatly believed in the giving of gifts to those that had been significant to their lives and as he worked the leather his mind focused on only one person. Cloud, his brother. The last time he had seen him he had been a shell of a man, little more than a husk holding bones. He had been so delirious he wasn’t even completely sure it had happened, but Rain’s frantic rambling had confirmed that before he was dragged into the sea again his brother and mother had seen him and tried to help.   He dipped the leather strip into the blood colored pool beside him and sighed. It would take time for the color to set and then it would need to dry.

He set to work on what would be the centerpiece for the collar; a brilliant golden coin with the visage of a mythological creature pressed into the metal itself. A human looked out at the stormy wolf with its back hunched and its expression stern. The foreign wolves spoke of these creatures with a mix of reverence and fear, and the artifact he had found by mere chance was said to b of immense value. There was a time when he considered selling it for food, but after he had decided to give it to his brother he found he was unable to part from it. An so it had stayed pressed between his leather cuff and his wrist, surviving the sea not twice but three times.    


Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  