
Weeds and Wildflowers

Dominus I


3 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Critical Hit!
08-13-2018, 03:45 PM (This post was last modified: 08-13-2018, 04:16 PM by Elias.)

Dominus was becoming a presence that was harder to ignore around packlands, as were all of the pups. Each of them were unusually massive, though considering their bloodline.. perhaps, it wasn't so unusual. Dominus was up to sixty pounds now and at over four months old, he had more energy than he'd ever had in young life. Most of his infancy and toddlerhood was spent reserving energy for the incredible rate at which the titanopuppy was growing. He was becoming more energetic, especially after his training was complete.

The routine task of going to training with their father in the mornings was something that he was growing bored of, in all honesty.. but that was not to say the incredibly intelligent youth was at all less eager to learn. He was immensely curious of the outside world beyond pack borders, but also about what lied right here within it.

He'd yet to meet all the pack members, his father doing good work at keeping them under his watch and not letting him stray too far without supervision... but he was getting older now and left to his own devices more often than not. The stripping of leather was something he could hear, as all the dens were within close proximity to one another. A cluster of wolf dens seemed a little short on privacy, but.. his father said it was safer this way or something. Plus, it gave Dominus something to do on relaxed days like this where their father had to dismiss their training early to tend to pack matters. It happened all too often, but Dominus was getting used to entertaining himself.

He followed the sound until he could see the wolf making it, bright blue eyes wide as they witnessed the leather be dipped in what appeared to be blood. He lifted his eyes back to look at the wolf, who seemed to look a lot like the other males in their family. He knew this one hadn't been here when he was younger, but still, he wondered about who he was.

"Hello," the boy's voice called out clearly so that Tyranis could hear him. He was a prince, after all. There was no meekness about him when addressing other wolves in his father's pack. He looked straight to the leather piece and tilted his head, ears reaching toward the sky.

"What are you doing?" He'd never seen crafting, never even thought about it or knew it was a thing. That was quite obvious by the confused look on his face and the way he almost looked to Ty like he was crazy.