
Hunting for flood


07-08-2013, 01:26 PM

Vahva struggled against the root until another wolf had come up to her and spoken. It made her anger spike more, no need to yell? She could yell all she wanted, there wasn't any room for judgement here. She avoided snapping at the other she wolf though, to avoid the fact that she did need help getting out of her entanglement. She tugged her paw some more but it only caused the root to tighten its grip. She let out a growl deep in her throat. "Serves me right for getting distracted." She noted sitting down and looking at the root then back up at flint. Who asked if she was stuck or something. Her red eyes narrowed, would she honestly be yelling like that if she wasn't stuck? Vahva flicked her tail on the dirt for a moment and sighed. "Sorry, for startling you, My name's Vahva and yes I got my paw stuck in some dry roots sticking out of the ground." Vahva said not amused as she indicated to her stuck paw the branches sticking into her fur and skin slightly. Stuck real good if you had to ask anyone else.
If it was anything Vahva hated to ask for help from a stranger. "Mind giving me a paw and help me get out of it?" She asked with a smirk. Course the wolf could have been evil and attack Vahva, but she would have done that by now if that was the case and she could defend herself perfectly well even to sacrifice her paw. As long as she survived there was nothing to worry about in the end.
