
On The Run



8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Trick 2019
08-14-2018, 12:20 AM (This post was last modified: 08-14-2018, 12:32 AM by Riva.)

She glanced up at the firefly that had darted close to them, and watched as it pranced through the air, travelling higher and higher, until Riva’s face was cast in darkness once more, as its light was lost to her. She shook her head, and turned her gaze back to Antigone, who was speaking once more. She pointed out that most healers stuck to one area, and healed one set of wolves that she knew. “True, that’s the usual way of things, but i’m a nomad and it’s never been my intention to settle, despite being a healer. I prefer sharing my knowledge, and helping any I come across, that’s the way my mentor raised me, and I’ve never had a desire to do differently.” her path had been chosen for her long before she knew that fate and future meant. That was ok, the lifestyle had suited her well in the end.

She didn’t blame her mentor for the subtle enmity she seemed to hold for Riva. She might never know the reason for it, she might never know the connection the healer had to her mother. These were all unanswered questions she had come to terms with never having an answer to.

“I have” Riva agreed, and there was a slight delay in her next reply, a subtle twitch of her lips at an unanswered smile. Of course, she wasn’t going to keep that information from the woman. “That actually brings us to Auster, the island in the South. I’ve found herbs to be bountiful there, especially in winter, which was milder that far South. There are pockets of places in Boreas where different herbs are more plentiful than others, so more information would depend what you where after.” she explained.
