
A Lion And A Lamb



5 Years
08-14-2018, 02:32 PM

Serene Validis

Amber orbs were entranced with the masculine beauty Malleus possessed, if just for a few moments. She hadn't notices the way the markings lining his face made his features look more sharp, more broad. Not to mention that the darkness contrast well with the lightness of his sapphire eyes. She adored his eyes so much, they reminded her of a clear summer day, or the vastness of the sea. Either way, they seemed to always stand out to her, and capture her very soul when they poured into her own. Tawny tipped ears rotated forward when Malleus spoke of the tale on how he gained his scars, especially when a mountain lion was involved. It was amazing that he even survived such an encounter, any other wolf would have been mauled far worse, but in the end Serene wasn't surprised. This was Malleus Abraxas they were talking about after all. But she did allow herself to chuckle a bit at the image of his head being the size of a watermelon, surely that would have been something she would have loved to see.

As soon as the words had left her mouth, the silver male who had been reluctant to rise was suddenly bolting passed her, which made her eyes widen a bit as she stumbled. Amber eyes watch curiously to see what he was doing, but then struggled to contain her laughter at his face. The big bad Alpha, had ripped up the entire plant, and now it hung out of his lips. Serene placed a paw over her lips to try and stop herself from laughing, but it was no use, soft giggles slipped past and filled the air. "Eager, are we?" She teased, but it's not like she really minded. The plant was harvest and they would be home twice as fast now. Happily walking over to him, Serene offered him a gentle lick on his maw as a reward, before taking the horsetail from him. "Now all we need is ginseng, and I'll be all yours." This was great! If this was how she needed to motivate the male to get things done in record time, well it seemed like a sacrifice worth making.

