
I could surely get lost


07-08-2013, 01:58 PM

Eren's eyes looked over Kypsis for a few moments when he asked that. She gave a bit of a sigh as she looked at the ground, digging her paws nervously deeper into the dirt. She flicked her tail back and forth and let herself relax for a little bit there was nothing to hide here. After all Kypsis had already proven enough to her that he was indeed a nice friend, and maybe even more than that. "If you cannot hold your own weight, and are useless in her eyes she won't grant you access into the pack. As long as you don't bother her she simply just says to work together to the best of your ability. Your a wolf who doesn't need a reason to help another, it'd be nice to have your company there." She explained with a giggle and looked at Kypsis. "But that's only wishful thinking for me, you are your own soul and I cannot force you to come with me to Glaciem." She explained and shook her head. She would savor these moment and hope that they could meet again.
"But still doesn't change that you made me feel better, and I hope we can spend more time together." Eren hopped up and stretched herself. Maybe it'd be better for her if she left now, save her the pain. Then again, it would always come back to haunt her, no matter what direction she would run. The pain would catch up, and she would lose sight of herself again.