
Best foot forward


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
08-15-2018, 01:16 AM
He liked this kids enthusiasm, and he felt glad to know he was able to teach her something. Even if she never hunted these things again, at least she could put it to use on something else. Young minds were like sponges, after all. "Ok, I think I see the one I want to go for. They have such long skinny necks a good bite and shake ought to do it, right?" He nodded, keeping his eyes trained on the flock. "Yes. Bird necks are very fragile, and since the necks of these particular birds are longer, it'll make it easier to break them." He tilted his head to look at her for a moment, a small grin showing. "Here we go!"

He crept forward, aiming to get several feet closer to the birds before they made their move. Once he felt close enough, he burst from his position and barrelled towards them as fast as his feet could carry him. The movement startled the birds, and he watched them flail and panic as they practically tried to scramble to safety. Unfortunately for them, his plan was working. The birds had been too closely packed together which made them slower at getting into the air. Crimson gaze locked onto one of the bright pink birds, and the moment his paws splashed into the water, he launched.

The flamingo he targeted just barely managed to get above his head, but it wasn't fast enough. Acere landed right where the bird had been a moment ago, but quickly bunched his hind legs and launched upwards. Teeth closed around the birds feet, and with a terrified honk, the flamingo was slammed into the shallow water. While it was dazed, Ace let go of his hold on its feet only to quickly plant its teeth around it's neck. He made a twisting motion and snapped the birds elongated neck, and once he was done he raised his head for a moment with the bird clamped in his teeth to see how the youngster was doing. Chaos ensued all around him as the birds tried to escape.

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