



6 Years
Extra large

08-16-2018, 07:25 PM (This post was last modified: 08-17-2018, 01:46 AM by Elias.)

Long limbs carried the titan over to the beginning of the route he usually took up the Maw, paws already finding precariously placed rocks sticking out from the rest to make the trip a lot faster. Both of the males in his company were young and able-bodied, surely they could keep up. He looked back at them with a size gaze of his red eyes and noticed the rather concerned look on the boy's face. Did Tyranis coddle him, why did he appear to be so meek? His eyes trailed back to Tyranis as he pushed the thought away, doing his best not to judge something he didn't fully understand yet.

As he listened to Tyranis admit rumors he'd heard from birds, Elias couldn't help but trail off in thought a bit.. his focus returning to his steps as he became a lot more inward. He couldn't help but wonder why birds were talking about one female wolf in particular, though he supposed she was once a Queen. Elias lifted his head, pausing his movements in front of the two to block their path while absent-mindedly sniffing the air around them one last time for any other signs of outside wolves. There were none, but his surveillance was cut short by the youngest male of the trio running forward due to excitement for finding his sister. Something about seeing him bound after her with completely different energy than before when Elias had seen him brought a smile to the mask of the Apollyon. At least he was brave for blood, if not himself.

Now that Elias was alone with Tyranis, he tried to pay a little more attention during their ascension up the Maw.

"Whatever the case may be, she is strong. When I captured her, she never once let me relax- the fact that she is still here and has not escaped yet actually bewilders me. I think some part of her must want to know more about her family, or perhaps she knows what we would do should we find her again post-escape." Oh, wait. He glanced nervously over to Tyranis, trying his best to remember to be aware of the morals of others. Not everyone took death threats lightly, and Elias knew he really needed to watch what he said. He switched the subject.

"She has been here now for about half her life. She is as much Ruina as she is anything else, and though she wishes to explore and be free.. I want her to realize she can do that here in the pack, with the help of her family. If she fails to understand, I will not let her soul be lost from Ruina forever. There is something ancient inside of her." As if backing up his words, the light around them brightened as clouds rolled by overhead and rapid winds brushed through even the thickest parts of his pelt. He grinned through stained and thick teeth before looking to Tyranis.

"Though now that I've seen the strength in her father with my own eyes, I suppose I understand. Who knew you would grow to be as much of a force as what you are, from Storm Wreckage? If that doesn't prove the existence of strength within our souls, I don't know what does. I am sure she is proud of you, Tyranis." He wasn't insulting Storm in any way, but the woman was small in stature and strong in wisdom.

"I have a lot to go over with you about the history of our family, the history of wolves.. of demoncraft. I ask that as a Purgatorian, you remain close and learn more about what it is we do here." He stopped to take a beak on a flat patch of stone along the mountain path, his chest heaving slightly from the climb. He enjoyed the feeling of his blood pumping though, he always did.. though perhaps he enjoyed it a lot more when he was Tyranis' age.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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