
Part the Waters


07-08-2013, 02:06 PM

He was quick, the man maneuvering himself to be perfectly positioned in the waters. He could not face anything with less than perfect stability and a miss step would cost him and anyone that needed help their life. It was rare to see the man so serious, but alas, it happened and he was prepared. Tail acted as a counterweight, slowing him, allowing him to step slower, and test the ground below the pool Valhalla had become. Still, it was not a long check and with every step it seemed as though the water slammed into him more. he was faced with a dangerous situation: lives were dependent on him, and the selfish side of him wanted to turn back, to take Chrysanthe and leave dodge. He had no desire for anything else. Tongue lashed over his soaked muzzle, and eyes narrowed down to prevent some of the water getting in them. There was little time for fooling around and he was quite aware of this. The man ducked his ears up, barely, off of his head and heard the tiniest squawk of a child. His direction was changed and he began his trek towards her.

Eyes found that seeing the child was a hard thing to do, but admittedly, the babe was not in deep water and Gideon had a much easier time of getting to her as he got closer. Noticing the ever so slight bit of slopes that had began to show beneath his feet, he would take a step, bend his limbs, and lower his head, allowing himself to slide a ways before he could lift both fore-limbs up and make a bounding motion. Practically, it looked awkward, but it allowed him to be careful and it allowed him to get near the babe. Teeth darted out attempting to grab her by the scruff and from here he would direct his attention. It would be foolish for him to try and get her back to where Chrysanthe was, the distance was too great, and he had almost slipped going downward. upward would be nearly impossible. Worry spread over his features and he narrowed his head back aiming to take the child back the way from which she had come. Ears remained up in case anyone else was in need, and silence became him. It would be awhile before they were able to return, until then he'd have to watch the child.

Gideon is taking Arella to safety, seeing if others need help & possibly exiting.