
The Night Is Dark and Full of Terrors



6 Years
Extra large

08-17-2018, 02:09 AM

As Dragon admitted that he was once an alpha, Elias' eyes widened a bit while those lighter color 'brow dots rose considerably. He was looking at the man a bit differently with that information, admittedly. How would a blind man lead a whole community that he could not see? He must be incredibly intuitive, or.. maybe he had his eyes back then.

Elias tried his best to focus on what he was saying, his attention drifting to the feeling of the warmth coming from the crater within. He admired this volcano from a distance, usually... the last time he'd ever been this close to a volcano being only when the thoughts of throwing himself in seemed like the last viable option he had left. A chilled feeling came over him, his skin prickling as blood rushed beneath it and caused his fur to stand on end.

Staring inside that crater burned into his very soul, he would not look directly into those flames again. He recalled the image of both his mother and father leaving this world through those fires during each of their funerals. The eerie memory was something he looked back in with both horror and an immense sense of honor. He would be lucky to have such a funeral, to be called home to Ruina through fire itself, but it was a gruesome thought to think he almost gave himself his own funeral not long ago.

To Dragon's question, he lifted his head.. quite obviously caught out of place. He wasn't paying attention, though it was not because he meant to be rude.. just.. his thoughts were incredibly hard to harness most of the time. Was he afraid? He assumed of the mountain, and for a moment Elias stared at the glow surrounding the lining of that crater. He could not see what was within, but he knew.. it burned even the sky here, the reflection of the power within dancing like fire across the clouds above.

"No," He smirked as he thought of the fallen wolves of Ruina. He hoped they could see him, standing there on this mountain making his promise to them. He felt incredibly inspired when he thought of the future.. of what he could accomplish and bring back. He had blood out there now, he had.. Zuriel. He had his brother back. Things were finally falling into place.

"This mountain's fire is in my blood." He couldn't be afraid of what he was born of, could he? This was his calling, and so long as he served his demons the way he meant to... the mountain would have no reason to be angry with him. He was certain.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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