



10 Years
Athena I
08-18-2018, 06:07 AM

Baine glanced toward Acere as he stepped forward a bit to whisper something to his brother, making her curious as to what he said. She didn't question it though. Instead she refocused on the man in front of her as he introduced himself as Elias and questioned how she was related to Zuriel. She wondered to herself if Zuriel ever spoke of her family, of her and her siblings, or if she had tried to escape them all completely. Maybe Baine coming here would ruin some kind of plan Zuriel had or maybe Baine was just over thinking it all. At the same time... Wasn't that basically what Baine was doing? Escaping her family?

"Zuriel is my older sister. I haven't seen her in years... Not since she left to be in Faite's pack. I hardly ever left Celestial so I never made it over to Lirim to visit... But I don't want to be there any more. I wanted to leave and do something for myself and Acere said I should come here." She glanced toward the pale man at her side with a slight smile. She really didn't know much about him or his family still. All she knew was that she liked the feeling she had in her gut when she looked at him. The fact that Zuriel was here as well felt like she was truly meant to be here. Fate brought her here for some reason... she just didn't know what yet.

Her light pink gaze turned back toward Elias, the rounded stone resting in her fur rolling gently with the movement of her head. "I'd like to join your pack... if you'll have me. I can't say I'm a fighter, but I'm a strong runner and I can hold my own in a hunt. The position I had in Celestial was more like a messenger and a diplomat than anything so running and conversation were the skills I worked on the most, but I'm willing to work hard on whatever needs to be done." She tried to hold herself with a bit of pride as she spoke, not wanting to appear small or weak next to these seemingly tough,giant men. She just hoped that was enough to convince Elias. She would turn around and go back to Celestial if she had to, but she hoped she didn't. She was too curious about Acere and too excited to see Zuriel to give up easily.

"Talk" "You" Think