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10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
08-18-2018, 10:56 AM
Ásvor found comfort in Valdis's presence as the other woman settled in beside her, as if she belonged there. She couldn't quite shake that thought, though kept it to herself, merely flashing her friend a gentle smile before turning her attention to Enrico as he began to speak not long after they'd all settled in. He began by saying he wanted Niente to be more secretive, using that to their advantage, and Ásvor agreed with that sentiment. Un-allied packs -or even enemy packs - not knowing much about them definitely was a strength, and she nodded in silent understanding.

He introduced the two canines who would be joining them, and Asvor cast them a weary eye. She would respect them, as any other members of Nienti, though that wouldn't stop the silent judgment of them forming in the silent caverns of her mind. Her attention was only briefly captured by the two more unusual members of the pack before she focused on the other things Enrico spoke of - of wanting to trade with other packs, and encouraging the pack to gather things of value. Perhaps some of the more rare herbs she collected might be of some use. Surely there would be packs interested in medicinal herbs... as well as underground trading for herbs that had recreational effects? Perhaps even poisons, though the thought of sharing her... less good-intentioned plants didn't settle perfectly well with her.

She listened as Valdis spoke up, and as Ferrous offered to train with her. After a moment, she decided to speak uyp as well. "Though I do believe I am the only Kestrel here, I'd be happy to share knowledge with any who are interested in studying herbs and healing." Perhaps someone might be interested in the basics, or have information of their own to trade with her. Either way, she figured she might as well offer, and briefly looked around the small group - curious if anyone else might express interest, however slight.

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