
Weeds and Wildflowers

Dominus I


3 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Critical Hit!
08-18-2018, 05:07 PM (This post was last modified: 09-05-2018, 10:53 AM by Dominus I.)

As Tyranis looked him over, Dominus just had a feeling he was being judged. For whatever reason, instincts told him to remain very still until the man was done looking at him so that is what he awkwardly did. He didn't even breathe. Finally, Tyranis moved and Dom let out his breath, sighing in slight relief until Ty stole his attention again with the coin.

So he wanted him to just.. what? Dom was confused, what did he want him to do with this tool? How did he hit with it? Dom took a step closer to the weapon, not wanting to fail this little test so he at least had to try. Perhaps the blade was sharp, but not sharp enough to prevent him from holding that end so he could hit with the other end? Fuck it.

Dominus leaned forward and widened his mouth right around the blade, clearly not fully understanding the concept of the weapon in the first place. He knew that his father cared for the dagger near the volcano, but he'd never actually seen it or knew what it was used for. It was very obvious he was aiming to take hold of the blade itself within his muzzle, but he did it so quickly Tyranis would have to have incredible reflexes to stop the accident from happening. If allowed, his teeth would grip onto the blade, his tongue coiling back to avoid it but his lips pressed against it in an attempt to get it to move where he wanted. He didn't notice that it was cutting right into this skin, not until the cuts on his lips got quite deep. As soon as the pain started to radiate, Dom would yelp and spit out the blade along with a few droplets of blood right onto the floor of the den.

He wasn't sure how to react to the pain, as this would be his first time ever really getting hurt. For now he sat there staring at the blade with wide eyes, the taste of his own blood on his tongue distracting him from the radiating pain for now. How strange.