
Part the Waters


07-08-2013, 02:31 PM

It was time to show the others that he wasn't just all fun and games, and that his muscles could be put to good use. Other wolves were moving about in the water grabbing pups and what not as Natsu's sharp blue eyes looked about. His paws creaked in the water as he firmly stood in the currents looking for any source of life that would need his help. Flood like this happened a lot in his old home, so his was adapted to swimming in these currents. As he moved forward with ease pulling himself with effort onto a ledge and looking up to see if there was anything he could see better. His sharp barks flowed out of his lungs to see if he could get any response, and he was close by the alphess as well as the other. Natsu was staying calm, and quiet, if you freaked out now you could be in danger indefinitely. As he flicked his black tipped tail. His head snapped towards Chrysanthe. "We have to make sure no one has fallen under the water." He frantically yelled and suddenly jumped into the water again looking around the currents. Pups could easily get trapped in here, and he wouldn't let them drown not ever.
Using his forelimbs to press against the dirt the water was up to his chest the 32 inch tall male let a growl slip inside his throat as he continued to let out a series of barks. Damnit why couldn't they just get this over with quickly. He cursed in japanese before digging his claws into the muddy dirt looking to see if he could be of any help.

ooc: I left an opening for any pups or members that could be drowning so that Natsu can save them possibly.
