

Taska Takira

07-08-2013, 02:54 PM

Taska Takira watched as the smallish gathering grew large by the second, her amber eyes watching as one after the other positioned them self in this ragtag pack of rogues and a few pack wolves. This was a chance at a new beginning for a few, and frankly Kira felt the energy hyping up, exited in fallowing her mothers paw prints. It was only after another male presented himself did madam Medusa turn to Kira, a small purr under her voice. Kira was unfazed by the question and the manner it was presented, she knew this game, at least she had heard about it form her mother, this woman was not someone to overlook, she was a force unto herself. But she was unprepared for the question that she did turn to her. It not that Kira did not know what she was good at, it was the fact that she was asked about it. Hummmm, she thought, how was she going to give the woman a profound answer. Kira sat down her amber eyes watching as the alpha repeated the question to another glade that she gave Kira time to think on her snappy response, it took effort to sound smart.

After a white furred and purple eye (Kira was curious about the purple eyes, she had never seen anything like it before) female told the dam that she was indeed a trained killer. Kira tilted her head at white girl, her mind trying to take that in, the woman that was indeed smaller than she, it was a wonder that Kira was not a warrior, she defiantly had the build for it if that girl was a killer.

It was only after another member piqued in what they where good at and another invited the dam to a tryst that Kira raised her voice. "I am good at many thing, madam. I am decent at hunting, I excel at fishing, had very small chance to learn the warrior art but I have the build for it so I am sure I could learn it. But foremost I am a guiding mind, I do as my mother before me did, give a wise word here and there, that is all." Kira looked at the woman, her amber eyes tracing the black woman, would she have a use for a word smith? For a wise soul, one guided by the spirit of her mother.