
Part the Waters



07-08-2013, 03:01 PM (This post was last modified: 07-08-2013, 03:05 PM by Chrysanthe.)
To her relief others started trickling forward. Gael was the first - and she was glad to see the yearling was alright. He seemed to struggle a bit more with the water, and a part of her worried for him, he was younger than she, but around the age where he truly could start making himself helpful and making a difference. "Listen out for anyone stuck, keep a sharp eye out for Erani and Ookami's litters, they're younger than you and could use some help." Erani couldn't carry them all out by their scruff anymore, it would take some effort to get them all out safely. "And be careful!" If he was hurt while going out of his limb on this rescue mission she wouldn't forgive herself. She was the one that had sent him out - he was her responsibility.

Gideon's arrival calmed her frayed nerves slightly, seeing him meant that he was alright. He was safe for now, she hadn't brought him to Valhalla only for the pack to drown him nearly upon arrival. He wanted she and Gael to leave - which was valiant, but there were more children here than he could have possibly accounted for. "Please be careful." 'You had better come back to me' She muttered in the moments that he was at her side, wanting to press closer as he pulled away - but would have to let him go. There would be a time for comfort, for rest, but at that moment she could not ease her tired nerves, she had to find the rest of Valhalla. "Gael, if you don't find anyone on your way to higher grounds, wait there. We will be with you as soon as we find more members." As for she herself she had a few laps of the flooded territory to do before she could comfortably travel to safety.

The appearance of another member eased her somewhat. A newer member, one that she had barely gotten to get acquainted with. Chrysanthe was grateful for his willingness to help out other members. He may not have been the largest of males, but his courage was definitely commendable. Without another word he jumped into the swirling waters, looking for anyone that may need help.

The sound of one of her siblings startled her, and she nearly jumped, hearing Surreal's voice calling out for her. Immediately the alpha staggered toward her, water sloshing around her sides as she did. "Surreal?" The alpha had to swim where she was now, avoiding debris of both plant and animal varieties. Scenting her out was near impossible while surrounded by all of this water, and she snorted as liquid tried its damndest to find its way up her nose. The current was working against her at every shift and turn, and she coughed, her body quickly tiring of all of the swimming that she was doing. Mixed with the panic, she knew that if she didn't calm down she could end up in danger herself.

When she finally caught sight of the girl alongside one of the pack's healers, Rayne, she sighed, carrying her frame swiftly over to them. Standing on solid ground, if only for a moment, she did her best to catch her breath while sticking her nose in her sibling's fur. The girl was warm and safe and there, and she could quell the panic that had flooded her senses when she first heard the girl's call. Yet if she was here... where were the rest of her siblings? "Have either of you seen anyone else?" She asked, her blue eyes flicking toward both of them before looking out at their flooded paradise. The debris that drifted by made her uneasy - she feared she would spot the fur or face of someone she held dear at any moment.