
What Hurts The Most


07-08-2013, 03:15 PM

His plan had worked. He had caught her off surprise, tackling her to the ground -gently of course- and pinning her against the ground. Hook, line and sinker. Alright, you big warrior, you've clearly made your point... But at least I could catch someone if I had to chase them down. He chuckled, licking a wet trail up the bridge of her nose, planting a gentle kiss in the middle of her forehead. If we ever need to hunt someone down, we should definitely tag team. With your speed and my strength, we would make a pretty good team. He bumped her chin, allowing his limbs to fold beneath him as he rolled to his right side, spine twisting along the earth, frame kissing the earth as he allowed himself to lie beside Mei, neck craned back in her direction, cerulean gaze on her teal one, right forepaw reaching out to playfully swat at her closest ear.

He really liked Mei. How could he not. She was obviously extremely beautiful, with her gorgeously stunning teal eyes. But she was a kind heart, sweeter than anyone he'd ever met and a very determined little woman. For having been one who had lost all her memories, she was doing surprisingly well. Gael hoped that one day soon, once he brought her to Valhalla with him, he might be able to call her his in front of the entire world and maybe even help her create some new memories, that way she wouldn't be so worried about the ones she lost. Perhaps if she'd lost them it was to make room for the new ones to come in? He could only wonder.

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