
The truth is stranger than all my dreams



10 Years
08-21-2018, 05:46 PM

Ara honestly hoped that she could be of use here. She wasn't getting any younger, and any real purpose that she'd found in life had been already fulfilled. Her own two sons were fully grown, with growing children of her own, and she had no plans to raise any other children - no, she was far too old for that now. The thought of facing the reality of her own relatively short future made the thought of children all but float away, deciding she couldn't bear abandoning them when they were young, like her own parents had passed before her brother Steel was fully grown. Whatever time she had left she wanted to use to help other members of Lirim in whatever way she could, even if that simply meant occasional herb lessons, or even just offering a shoulder to lean on. Whatever they needed, she could be there, and she hoped she could properly express to her packmates that her services were free to any who wanted them.

"Adravendi... that is I name I haven't heard in quite some time," Ara mused, smiling thoughtfully over the number of wolves she'd met bearing that surname. The Adravendi family had always been a kind one to her, in her many years and many dealings with them, and her expression softened at knowing this male came from such lineage.  "I've been settling in well, Torin, thank you." Ara's words were genuine, soft yet spoken truly. Her gaze held a lightness to it that was evident in her voice, and her gaze steady as she observed him.

"It's been a fair while since I've been part of a pack - and I'll be the first to admit I've never been the best at it..." At least she was insightful, right? She'd spent - not wasted, she'd never call that time wasted - so many years either wrapped up in Novel, in caring for her or for their families, or in her grief over losing her, that she hadn't been in the right mindset to truly contribute to a pack for a long while. "I'm not the most extroverted of wolves, so truly settling in might take me longer than some. I will tell you that I intend to stay in these lands until I die, if I am able, so.. please, come to me if there is anything I can do. For anyone at all." Mortality wasn't something she feared - the fear of dying was something that held no purpose for her, especially being a healer, and she wouldn't pretend otherwise. Perhaps talking of such things might unsettle some, but she refused to shy away from facts, and hoped Torin understood what she was saying. She intended to be a loyal, contributing member of Lirim until she was no longer able, and hoped that by doing so she might forge herself a place to die in peace, here among the willow trees.