


07-08-2013, 03:24 PM
holy tits on a stick, thank you muse ♥

Although she had been situated at the opposite end of the island, tending to her developing whelps, the summoning howl of Amenti?s sovereign resounded throughout the willow trees, the effeminate song wafting through her ears and alerting her to the first meeting to be held for the newfound establishment. Immediately, the pallid fiend bounded to her paws, pressing her damp and leathery nostrils against the plush nape of all three suckling babes to bid them a silent farewell, briskly trotting off in the direction of her pack?s headquarters. She already possessed a high title and had been informed of the basic regulations to adhere to during her temporary stay, and yet, for fear of having her prestigious title usurped by any newbies who appeased the serpent queen, she would attend the meeting like a true diplomat. Of course, she would be late to the meeting due to the distance she?d have had to travel in order to get there, but she hoped the queen would be forgiving with the knowledge of her circumstances. Any others intent upon pledging their allegiance to the pack, however, would be oblivious to her reasoning and would, undoubtedly, view their first official Captain as a slacker. But, no matter ? Morphine would do everything within her power to redeem herself after the faulty first impression.

The pretentious regalia she had retained since murdering her adversary lessened as she breached the borders of Amenti, lowering her skull in orientation to her spine and allowing her tail to sweep against her heels in regards to the queen. A sly smirk caressed her countenance as her pupils fell upon the black snake, offering her an apologetic bob of her head as she strode into the fray, gaze then trailing from face to face as she attempted to memorize each distinct visage present. The majority of wannabe Amenti wolves were female, quick to promise their loyalty to the new sovereign; Morphine wondered if they had any idea what the serpent had accomplished or if she had been the sole creature there to witness Medusa?s feat. Regardless, the militants that the serpent managed to rally appeared promising, so if the former behemoth queen wished to wage war upon them, surely she would not obliterate them with ease. An indifferent expression washed the devious from her countenance as she turned her attention back to the queen, rolling her mass back onto her haunches as she waited for a command of some sort. She was hesitant to introduce herself just yet to the masses, reluctant to steal the limelight away from the serpent queen.
