
Spread Your Wings



5 Years
Extra large
Athena I

08-24-2018, 08:29 PM
The large pup was resting just outside of the den, looking out over the landscape while the sun rose. Usually he would wait in the den, pretending to sleep so he could observe his siblings, but sometimes he liked to wait out here. It was a lot quieter without the sounds of snoring and breathing around him. It seemed like he could hear his thoughts better out here in the early morning even though he knew that was ridiculous. After all, if his thoughts were just in his head it wouldn’t matter how quiet it was.

The silence didn’t last as long as he wanted it to. A howl from his uncle caught his attention first and he watched as his siblings started to file out of the den. He waited till he saw Ignis leave last before he stood up and started heading that way as well. His observant, two-toned gaze caught a small glimpse of his brother’s tail through the bushes near where the rest of the group had gathered. He paused for a moment behind his brother a few feet back, watching Dom with a quizzical look.

He pieced together what Dom’s expectation was and a sly grin popped onto his muzzle. Casso pulled himself together and smoothed out his expression as he walked around the front of the bushes like he was going to walk into the circle of stones that their uncle had waiting for them. He listened for the shuffle of leaves that gave away Dom trying to leap out at him. He spun around at the last second to face his trickster brother, leaping forward to try and pounce him with a grin. “Nice try!” Casso said with a laugh before he turned to head toward the rest of the group, still smirking a little to himself as he settled next to Ignis.