


07-08-2013, 03:26 PM
The female answered her, telling her to wait until after the meeting - and Io nodded. The other's tone was a vixen's pur, and she wondered just what type of woman she was under her dark fur and various scars from a recent fight. She would find out soon enough - as would the other wolves that were gathered here. A surprising amount gathered, it simply took them a while to trickle in. A couple at most smelled like the territory that they were seated in, but most were strangers, rogues that were pulle din and inticed much like she herself was.

What surprised her most though, was the sight of family. The woman was dark, and barely registered in her mind as someone familiar, but vaguely she remembered her, all black and white and curves and physical beauty. Having her beside her, she faintly smiled, her ears flicking atop her head as she hesitantly leaned into the other's touch. "Rivera." Her whispered voice was a gentle greeting, with a touch of a question in case her memory failed her and she got her older sibling's name wrong. Honestly her presence was that of an acquaintance at this point, but she was loyal to her family regardless of how well she didn't know many of them.

And finally the dark lady spoke, saying what she had called together so many misfits. She was starting a new pack here, as the leader of Amenti. They had not been claimed by her upon entering her territory, which was odd, but Io was thankful. Being around so many wolves at once was making her a bit ancy. Thankfully though, most had not spoken much, and only the smooth tones of the Madame broke the silence thus far save for small mutterings and short introductions. Sighing, she looked down at her paws, and then back up at the Madame as she spoke. She did not want to pressure them, but she wanted them to earn their ranks - it was strange and contradicting, yet the oddities within the words were not impossible to understand. A lax environment, but one where recognition and power were attainable.

She wondered how long a hierarchy like this could last.

And then she asked the dreaded question - whether anyone here had inquiry about her lands.

The first to speak was thankfully rather gentle with her speaking and words. Io didn't flinch as she spoke, only watched as the meeting took place. Voices and words from many other wolves swirled together in her mind. The albino was really starting to feel like she should leave - there was nothing that she could say to have impact here. She would find the Madame after the meeting to help her with her wounds... she was about to stand and leave - when a familiar voice cut through the rest of the sea. "Kira." She mouthed the other girl's name, only to smile as the other stopped beside her. Her tail wagged faintly behind her, seeing the dark female was comforting, she was happy to have her there with her while she re-learned how to fit into some semblance of pack life.

The brown woman that showed shortly after held a strong amount of deja-vu - and Io found herself staring at the lovely woman, wondering just where they had met before. Perhaps after the meeting she could find her, attempt to catch up with her if they really did share some fleeting moments in their past. Perhaps she was family too?

She was pulled back into the meeting when others started telling their Madame what they were skilled with. Io hadn't heard her ask, but she followed suit, albeit a bit quietly. "I am a healer." Her sentence was plain, simple, and perhaps she would not fit in among assassins and hunters and warriors, but everyone needed their wounds patched up from time to time. "I am skilled with plants and their remedies." Hopefully that would be enough to answer their alpha's question.