She was hunting jaguars through a hot plain that existed only in the imagination of a child, when her mother's voice interrupted her. She blinked and the sand beneath her feet turned back into regular old den-dust like magic. The jaguar became the familiar, tawny wolf of her sister, whos battle cry seemed less ferocious now that the heat of their battle was over, and she grinned sheepishly at her sister as the fawny wolf gave her a playful grin, and promised her that the war was not over yet. She gave a solemn bow, tipping her head over her straight legs, a sign of respect for her opponent. She managed somehow not trip over her overly-large paws as she pranced happily beside her sister to the dens entrance. “Until next time, Mar” she agreed readily.
Amaris and Pyrrhic, the first to beat her to her mother's side, held similar tawny-features, with sprinkles of their own personal patterns and colors along their coat. Fel stood out among them, black-silver to their lighter tones, her amber eyes oddly serious for a girl her age, equally darker then the rich blues of these two of her siblings. She found her place by Mar’s side, and when the family had gathered, they were marched from the den.
She resisted the urge to flick her eyes up and down and all around, brimming with curiosity and excitement about going out and about, about seeing other members of their pack, and seeing their father in his glory as Alpha. Instead, with the pride of an Abraxa’s she kept her eyes fixed straight ahead, sleek black muzzle titled serenely ever so slightly, walking with regal pride. If she occasionally stumbled over and misjudged her paws, which seemed much to large for her little body, then she ignored it with the same determination she did everything.
Amaris took a different approach to their outing, running over everyone and everything in order to see what she could of the world. She felt a sister's furious protectiveness over her excitable sibling. As they approached the crowd, their mother told them to act like an Abraxas, to make proud their parents. She puffed out her chest even further, and took Pyr’s que as she strutted forward with her siblings, and took a seat beside Mar, leaning a little over her sister as she listened to the question she voiced to their brother. “they can’t all be gods?” she whispered back, meaning to sound imperial, but managing simply curious instead.