
Stand strong



8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Trick 2019
08-26-2018, 08:52 PM

Walk | Talk

The older wolf gave a quiet nod, and she felt he understood her need to reach out and help those in need, that not having the necessary ingredients to help someone in pain was hidiously wrong, and she couldn’t think of a worse fate that being forced to watch someone dying, and not have the means to fix it.

Heavy thoughts for the moment, but the dark setting seemed to inspire them in her. She shook out her coat in an effort to free her mind. She wouldn’t find herself in such a predicament, that was why she fought so hard to ensure she had the herbs necessary, even in winter when most herbs where buried under a layer of snow.

“I can see why, it’s strange the way everything echos, and half the caverns look the same. It’s a labyrinth down here, and in more places than not you cant even tell if it’s night or day” they moved through the rock and the next fork in the path presented itself to them. She paused, well, froze, really. Both sides were heavily scratched, markings both light and deep gorged the surface of the wall, and when she hesitantly stepped forward and lifted her head to sniff, any scent she might have left was buried beneath another, darker tone.

She didn’t recognise what creature left a scent like that, and the heavy claws in the stone where not comforting. She looked at Vern, a slight, hesitant tilt of her head to catch his expressions side-on. The yearling felt very young just then. “Do- do you recognise what kind of creature might have done this?” she asked him. Pointedly not mentioning how it obscured the trail they where following, and if it had done so casually or on purpose.