
Great Scott



9 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-27-2018, 02:44 PM
A trio of lemmings swung from Gwen's jaws as she trotted back through the plains towards the moor. She'd found them on her way back from patrol and was quick to snatch them up. She'd bring them to the pups, the first time they would have full carcasses to deal with. It wasn't much of a meal even for young pups, but she had other food for them as well. These would likely end up as much of a chew toy and a mess as anything else, but they had to start learning to deal with whole carcasses eventually, the sooner they got to practice the better. She stopped for a drink at a stream not far from the meeting rock. It was a long patrol, so she was more than happy to drop the lemmings beside the stream and lap at the warm trickle of water. It was beginning to get hot, heralding the upcoming summer, though luckily she didn't have as heavy a coat as many wolves and she'd grow used to patrolling in the again heat before long.

She lay beside the stream for a short rest, panting as she thought. It wasn't long now that the pups would be looking for more training than she could give them. Though the pack's official apprenticeship wasn't offered until they were yearlings, she hoped she could see if Paladin would be willing to teach Geoffrey and Viviane before then. Both were enthusiastic about the idea of healing, not particularly interested in learning to fight, and she didn't know much of anything about healing. She could teach them the very basics, but she had a feeling they would very quickly outpace anything she had to offer them, and grow bored. She was much better equipped to handle her other three's early training.