
Darker in the light of day



8 Years
Athena I
08-29-2018, 10:42 AM
As soon as he introduced himself as Yale’s son Roza smiled and any tension in her shoulders eased. That’s why he seemed familiar. He certainly took after his father and once the connection was made in her mind the obvious similarity in their scents stood out. “Of course you are. I’m surprised I didn’t realize that on my own. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Pegasus.” Yale had always been a source of inspiration and comfort for her. She had always been amazed at the man’s loyalty to a family that had no blood relation to his own. To this day she still remembered the stories he told. She wished that she was half the story teller he was.

Her smile faultered a bit when Pegasus mentioned seeking ravenge for his father and asked for her help. If he had come to her right after Ganta’s death or right after she realized her children had been taken, she would have had far fewer reservations about the idea. Back then she had been raw, devastated, and had little to live for. Now... now was different. Her pain had simmered and she hesitated to do anything that may separate her from her children or put them in the line of fire. But... she had to hear him out for Yale’s sake. He did so much for her, his son deserved to have her at least listen.

“What do you hope to accomplish, Pegasus?” she asked with a thoughtful frown. ”I have to think of my children. I know they’re grown now... but I’ve put they’ve been put in danger so much because of me and their father as it is... I have to think of them first. But your father meant the world to me so if there is some way I can help... I will. So tell me your plan or what you hope to do.”