
Teach a man to fish



3 Years
Athena I
08-29-2018, 03:04 PM

A single ear flicked at the sound of the honking geese flying overhead, but that was the only reaction to the world around her as she stood frozen in place and waited for a fish to swim within her reach. She saw a few swim by a few feet away but she had learned that it was more trouble than it was worth to go for those. More often than not she'd miss and end up scaring off any of the other fish that would have come by her otherwise. She was so focused that all she heard was the splash of water around her and the occasional call of a bird near by. Any sound of the man approaching her was lost to her until he spoke.

"Good day..." The deeper, accented voice caught her off guard and she jumped like the easily startled doe she was. Her tri-footed stance went unsteady on the soft river bottom and she slipped, splashing into the water with an ungraceful flop, sinking below the surface for a moment. It was much too shallow for her to have any problems getting up again, but she still popped back up into the air with what was probably an over dramatic gasp. With all of her fur now soaked through to the skin she turned her head toward the shore to see the heavily scarred man standing there. She assumed that he must have been the one that spoke and she was suddenly incredibly embarrassed by her clumsy tumble into the river.

"Oh! Um, sorry, hello! Good day!" she said frantically as she wadded out of the water toward him. Once all three paws were on solid ground she gave herself a shake, hoping that she wasn't hitting him too much with the spray of water. Unknown to her, the movement only made her look even more ridiculous. Her peach and white spotted coat spiked up around her and stood up in silly clumps around her neck. "Sorry... Um, lost my footing a bit there! Sorry, I'm Etain, nice to meet you!"
