
It's the little things



8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Trick 2019
08-29-2018, 10:59 PM

As she watched, the wolf began to spin, she seemed to attempt to shift her body and compensate for the movement, and Riva could see how risky that was. Having already had an experience on hitting the ice face-first, she could see how someone might want to avoid that.

The expectation in the others eyes was almost enough to make Riva blush. Instead, she concentrated on her words. A challenge, was it? She leaped onto the ice.
Perhaps there were better ways to go about it, but as she had watched Kenja skate across the ice (and with her own short and ill-fated experience) she had decided that all- in was the only way to go about it.

The partial commitment she had attempted earlier had only resulted in her leg trying to run away from her well the rest of her had sat still. It was a well-thought out conclusion she had milled over long enough to agree with. Her execution on the other hand could have used some work. She plunged head first into the challenge before she could really consider the consequences of it. If she had given herself time to think, she knew she would have frozen.

All and all, her actions left her full-throttle ahead on the ice as each of her four paws tried to go a different direction at once, through her main momentum was still forward. She kept trying to correct herself and making it worse, until she was sliding in random directions across the ice. Her aim wasn’t to keep moving, it was to keep from falling! Her legs were already getting exhausted at the heavy overcompensating and she was panting in moments. She couldn't stop!
"Help!" She squeaked, through there was no desperation in it. She was laughing at the predicament she had gotten herself into. Perhaps she just wanted to watch Kanja dance across the ice again.
