
Darkness in the Face of Disaster



2 Years
Dire wolf
08-30-2018, 05:58 PM
Since landing in Boreas and by extension Lirium the prince had made little progress on his mission, although Ley knew that might not have been completely bad. After his disappointing meeting with near legendary former queen of Dragoste Pegasus had turned around and headed westward, retracing the path that had brought him to the uninhabited southern land. He had no true ties to Lirium and if he had wanted to he could have just as easily stayed in the Southern reach and found his own way, but the young male had found the western pack’s environment to his liking. Not to mention the friendly and exotically colorful wolves that inhabited it. The memory of Célestin’s brightly colored eyes flashed to the forefront of his mind and he felt his ears burn in response.

He crossed the border and came to a river, his thoughts still wandering as he stepped gracefully onto one of the smooth boulders poking out from the river’s surface.  The current wasn’t nearly strong enough to knock him over or carry him off if he fell in but the prince had chosen to avoid getting wet, particularly in case he ran into Célestin on his way back to his den. He skipped from rock to rock gracefully, minding his footing as best as he could in the moonlight until he was nearly at the river’s edge. With a final leap he landed on what he thought was a boulder closest to the river’s edge, only to have his paws sink into the warmth of another wolf’s body. He yelped loudly in surprise and bounded off the male as quickly as he could while coating his legs with mud in the process. “Are you alright?!" He asked frantically, his voice raised in frightful panic. “Are you okay? Did I break anything? I’m so sorry! I didn’t see you! “ He rambled on, frightened apologies and questions regarding the male’s potential injuries spewing from his mouth, with no regard for how often they were repeated.

"Talk"  "Thought"   "You"