
Darkness in the Face of Disaster



9 Years
09-05-2018, 12:43 AM

It was quiet as he lied there, the only indication that he was even alive was the gentle rise and fall of his side. He didn't move otherwise as he simply tried to enjoy the coolness and sound of the river that flowed just mere inches away. But even when he tried to focus on the stillness of the night, his dark thoughts always came creeping into his mind. Memories of his littermate, of his sire, his birth pack, and even the lone white she-wolf that he had once followed around for a time, but he could no longer remember anyone's name, save for his littermate. He closed his eyes for a few moments, unaware of the young wolf that would soon use him as a landing pad. It wasn't until he felt the abrupt weight hit him and his breath was forced from his body that he reacted... even if a little slow.

His body seemed to seize and go rigid, eyes squeezing shut as he spluttered and coughed. He was so focused on trying to recover his breath that he hardly heard the frantic voice. It took a minute or two for him to catch his breath. By the time he managed to finally breathe properly and recover from the sudden impact, a few long minutes had already passed. He stumbled up to his feet, frail frame struggling a bit until he managed to stand properly. Gaze fell on the young wolf that had jumped on him, and for a moment he was confused. Was this a pack wolf? Honestly, with his lack of integration with the other members, he didn't know who was who.

"I-I'm fine. Don't worry about me, I'm not hurt." He mumbled before turning away. He approached the water and drank, letting the cool water soothe his sore throat. Ears fell back to listen for a response from the youth. Rin vaguely remembered when he had been young and full of energy like that...but that was years ago. Now? He was a sickly aging hermit. Definitely not the life he imagined for himself, but certainly a life he felt he deserved.



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