
New Blood



6 Years
Extra large

08-31-2018, 10:06 AM

Dominus had set off on his own hunt this morning, and even though it was inspired due to an argument between them, Elias was proud. It was the first time his son was trying to catch his own meal for the day, as.. it had become harder and harder for Elias to manage time providing for five hungry mouths and feeding his own seemingly always needy appetite. Dominus was still too small to leave the mountains and Elias limited him to the pack's own territory, but there was still plenty of dense forest area on the mountainside. Perfect for finding personal, smaller meals.

Elias was coming back with his own catch, a small snowshoe hare, when he heard Tyranis call for him. He hadn't been able to tend to any other pack matters for the last few days, as.. food was relatively important. It was food that was on his mind when he caught the scent of the pup while he answered the call of Tyranis. Pups had a strong scent to them, it was rather had to miss. With the hare blocking his mouth, Elias said nothing on his approach though he was quick to arrive.

Brilliant eyes were wide as he surveyed the face of Tyranis, trying to read for any signs of what was going on while he impatiently waited for an explanation. Imps were the future of Ruina, and fresh Imps from the outside crossed their bloodlines and increased versatility within the pack. He hoped this was one to stay, one that could be trained.. but where did he come from? If Tyranis was kidnapping children.. that could potentially bring unwanted attention. He tried not to assume the worst, though the paranoid schizophrenic couldn't help but prepare himself for it.. even he wanted to trust Tyranis. It was in his nature.

When his own eyes fell on the face of the youth, he forfeited the hardened look usually brought upon him due to the struggles of an alpha. Instead, his teeth flashed a flawlessly aligned smile from around the body of the hair, though only for a brief moment as curiosity set in. Thick neck lowered, his massive crown coming forward as he grasped for more information on the air around the child. There were no recognizable signs in the scent that could link him to the child's lineage, so he pulled back again to give him space. He assumed Tyranis would introduce him, so for now the Apollyon remained silent and observant. He wanted to drop the hare in his mouth so he could speak to the child, but not yet. He had a feeling he'd have to fight him for his meal. Heh. Not that he would, though it was a little more excitement than he wanted to deal with right now to tell this kid to wait.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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