
Weeds and Wildflowers

Dominus I


3 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Critical Hit!
08-31-2018, 10:43 AM (This post was last modified: 09-05-2018, 10:53 AM by Dominus I.)

The titan of a pup was feeling rather embarrassed, truth be told. He didn't want to disappoint Tyranis, afterall.. Ty would never let Dominus go anywhere near that snake if he proved himself to be clumsy. The fact that he had messed up and cut his lips made him frustrated, those bright blue eyes usually happy and spirited growing ice cold in an instant. It was eerie, the way his mood shifted and his eyes narrowed into the center of his visage.

With intentions to not make the same mistake again, Dominus watched carefully as he tried to replay what Tyranis had just done within his mind. He would get it next time, now that he knew what the thing Tyranis wanted him to use was. He didn't think a tool of any kind would be that sharp, though perhaps it had to be in order to do what it was intended to? Aaaahh, it hurt his brain to think about but he waddled closer and opened his maw, bleeding lips and all. Something about the pain sort of felt badass, too. He wasn't going to stop just because of his initial mess up. He had this!

Once Ty gave him the knife again, he got to work. This time he did it exactly like Tyranis did; he lifted the blade near the center, where the bone was rounded. His neck muscles twitched some, his hackles prickling along his neck as he focused on trying to get his body to move the way he wanted it to. He was sort of just a floppy, playful puppy up until this point. He slanted his head slightly and did a test half-swing, getting to know the motion. Then, once he had more confidence, he struck the coin with the knob end of the knife. His beautiful blue eyes shut closed tight with the first impact out of instinct and continued to do so for the next few strikes until he got used to it. Finally, he was able to hold them open and make even swifter work of trying to flatten out the metal of the coin.