
[MEETING] Impar Vita [Part I]

Dominus I


3 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Critical Hit!
08-31-2018, 11:20 AM (This post was last modified: 09-05-2018, 10:53 AM by Dominus I.)

Dominus was big for his age, though he still held the mind of a toddler it seemed at times. Honestly, it was a dangerous combination but it didn't stop him from exploring. Nothing could stop him, or so he felt... though he hid the one thing that could truly stop him. He quickly learned he did not like to upset his family, he loved them and learning how to be just like their father trumped being rebellious by not listening to his father's demands when he made them. Dominus knew he was not allowed to leave the mountains, and that was just fine.

He was lingering nearby when Elias called for them, having felt in his gut just as Actaea had that something was up. He had seen the pelt, too.. hardly anything escaping the watchful gaze of the curious blue hues when brought near the citadel. His rapidly growing body left him almost always craving another meal, no matter how often they were brought.. it never sated him for long. Therefor, he was always watching and hopeful one of the adults hauled in something huge.

When he arrived to the courtyard outside their den, he barely noticed the goatskin strips that Actaea seemed to be studying, his focus more on the family that had gathered. His eyes found his twin by instinct near immediately despite the fact that it was their father that called them here, noticing her smirk as she smirked at Tyranis. His own eyes found Tyranis' face as well and Dominus smiled, remembering him from their crafting session. He was pretty sure he disappointed him and ruined his chances of holding his snake, so Dominus was amused by the sort of interest his twin seemed to be taking in their uncle.

While she inspected Tyranis, Dominus noticed the familiar face of the earless and tailless Drakan. So much of their body language was picked up from the ears and tail that when Drakan's presence was first noticed around the den, Dominus thought he was creepy. Dominus didn't know if he could trust him because there were no signs to trust, but as he grew older he realized that Drakan was protecting them, watching over them. Dominus hadn't spoken to him yet, and part of him was still a little creeped out.. but he felt safer when the brute was around. Dominus stared at him for a moment, wondering if today would be the day the two would finally speak. When he realized he was staring, he quickly refocused and continued on to look to his twin again.

Dominus sat nearest to Domina and finally realized what they were gathered around, the blindfolds. He looked directly downward at it, not understanding at all what this could be used for. From his first crafting lesson, he was beginning to understand the concept of tools but it still hurt his growing brain to think about. It seemed that a strip of goat hide could potentially be used for so many things, yet it's fragilty made it seem almost completely useless to him at the same time. Just. Really, what the heck?

He looked over to Actaea, seeing her studying with a cool look on her face. She seemed so sure of herself all the time when she was learning and it made him slightly jealous. He'd always seen her as smarter than himself, though it was simply something about the way she held herself and the way she spoke. If anyone would figure out what these were to be used for before their father told them, it was Actaea...

He shrugged and looked away from both his sister and the hide, finally finding the tall sight of his father. With his blue eyes wide, he watched him with a face of unintentional excitement. He couldn't help it, he was genuinely interested in what they were about to spend their day doing. He liked gaining the chance to learn what their father taught them, to impress him. It was instinct, and he could tell his father really liked it when Dominus understood him too.